Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Birth Story

February 10th at 2am I woke up to use the bathroom, nothing new there when you're 39 weeks pregnant! I got out of bed and felt my bump go really tight and an achy pain quite high up in my back, I thought "oh no, kidney infection". I went to the bathroom to pee and by the time I had got back into bed the pain in my back had moved down and I knew that this was it! Then the contractions started, very mild and every time I had one I would check the time on my phone. They were coming every 5-6 minutes. It took me about 45 minutes to wake my partner and tell him, I just wanted to be sure before I woke him for nothing.

They stayed at 5-6 minutes apart and at 7am we made our way to hospital where I was told I was only 1cm. Very long way to go so we decided to come back home. As soon as we got home the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and I was curled up in pain and couldn't relax so we headed straight back to hospital.

8am I was told I was 2cm and my waters broke. I hated being on the bed, I found lying down was more painful so I was on all fours on the floor. Contractions were extremely painful!

9:30am I was in active labour, finally. Officially in labour! I was begging my partner to make it stop so he told the midwife I planned on having an epidural if I could. Thank god i was allowed one! I really chilled out once that epidural was in, I still felt the contractions but with the help of gas and air I could handle it.

4:30pm Our little boy was born by a forceps delivery. I was rushed to theatre because he was stuck and i was pushing and he wasn't coming. His heart rate was dropping so they had to get him out. I remember them saying to me that I really need to push else I will have to have a C-section and they don't want that and neither do I. I was numb from my shoulders down and trying to push when I couldn't feel anything was so hard. I was drugged up and half asleep and not even in the room at the time but 2 pushes and he was out! I was a mummy.

Fletcher was born 10th February 2015 at 4:30pm weighing 7lbs 15oz and was one day early.

We spent a night in the hospital and then the next day we were allowed home where our new life began. Ever since that day I've been busy getting to know his little personality and how to be a mummy as well as learning how to juggle housework, cooking, washing, sleeping and me time. Some days are more challenging than others but it's the best job in the world!

1 comment:

  1. Aw thank you for sharing your birth story, hope it wasn't too traumatic having a forceps delivery! Honestly though Bex, this was lovely to read and Fletcher is gorgeous :)
